Shasta Land Surveying

A CA Professional Corporation

Boundary Surveying

What is Boundary Surveying?

Boundary surveys are essential for anyone looking to purchase, improve, or build on land. Our boundary surveys accurately define the legal property lines and help in resolving property disputes.

image of shasta land surveying working on Boundary Surveying

What is the importance of Boundary Surveying?

This service is crucial for determining the exact boundaries of a property, ensuring legal compliance and preventing potential conflicts with neighboring properties.

What is Shasta Land Surveying's Approach to Boundary Surveying?

Shasta Land Surveying Inc. utilizes state-of-the-art technology, including GPS and UAS/drone mapping, to provide precise and reliable boundary surveys. Our experienced surveyors combine traditional methods with innovative techniques to ensure the accuracy and integrity of your property's boundaries.

Some of Our Other Services

Some of The Areas We Service

We actively serve all areas within the following counties:

*And have experience surveying in several others, including those as far south as San Diego and Fresno Counties