Shasta Land Surveying

A CA Professional Corporation

As-Built Surveying

What is As-Built Surveying?

As-built surveys document the exact location, dimensions, and specifications of newly constructed elements or improvements to a property.

image of shasta land surveying working on As-Built Surveying

What is the importance of As-Built Surveying?

These surveys are indispensable for verifying that construction has been completed according to plan and within regulatory compliance.

What is Shasta Land Surveying's Approach to As-Built Surveying?

At Shasta Land Surveying Inc., our as-built surveys are conducted with meticulous attention to detail. We ensure that every aspect of the construction matches the design plans, providing a verified record that supports both project completion and future modifications.

Some of Our Other Services

Some of The Areas We Service

We actively serve all areas within the following counties:

*And have experience surveying in several others, including those as far south as San Diego and Fresno Counties